The students are working hard in their math class. The sixth grade students finished up presenting their unit projects, "My Special Number". I was so impressed with their work, creativity, and presentation skills. The students also completed their first unit test, a vocabulary quiz, and an extra credit assignment. We ended the week beginning their new unit, "Data About Us." In this unit, the students will be able to collect and record distributions of data, correctly display data in a graph, table, or line plot, and describe or analyze the relationships of the data.
The seventh grade students were hard at work this week. We tackled the topic of solving one-step and two-step equations. This was a difficult topic so we spent several days on it. We will have an upcoming unit involving this topic, and by then the students will feel comfortable jumping right on in. We ended the week with their first vocabulary quiz and their unit test. We will begin next week with their new unit, "Accentuate the Negative."
The eighth grade students began this week with a new unit, "Looking for Pythagoras." This will deal with geometry and the understanding of square roots. We have several students working very hard each day. I applaud those who participate and are actively engaged. We will begin next week with Investigation 2. I hope all of my students keep working hard each day!
Miss P