Week of 10-22-12
Welcome back from a relaxing fall break. The sixth grade classes are finishing up their unit this week, looking at mean (average), median, mode, and range. The six gold class will have their vocabulary quiz on 10-31-12 and their unit test on 11-1-12. The six green class will have their vocabulary quiz on 10-30-12 and their unit test on 10-31-12. Both classes should expect a quick homework quiz at the beginning of the week. The seventh grade classes finished up their unit this week. They took a vocabulary quiz on 10-26-12 and will have a test on 10-29-12. The eighth grade classes finished up Investigation 3 and will move on into Investigation 4, looking at 30-60-90 triangles and moving through the Pythagorean Theorem. All classes were given extra credit this last Tuesday. The assignment is due on Monday, 10-29-12.
Concerning ALEKS, we need to work together to ensure the best education for our students. It is now required that all students begin working on ALEKS each week. The incentive that was put in place at the beginning of the year no longer stands as of 10-29-12. The sixth grade students are required to master 10 topics each week. The seventh grade students are required to master 12 topics each week. The eighth grade students are required to master 15 topics each week. The week runs Monday through Sunday. There are computers and net-books available at the school and in my room to help out those students who need to utilize them. ALEKS will be graded each week. Please contact me with any questions.
Have a great weekend,
Miss P