Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week of 12-10-2012


The last two weeks before break, the students are pushing hard in the math classroom! The sixth grade class is finishing up their units. They did an great job presenting their unit project, using a video, PowerPoint, books, and other displays of creativity. The seventh grade students are finishing up their unit, as well. They will soon take a vocabulary quiz and their unit test before break. The eighth grade students are finishing up learning about exponential growth and decay. They will take a vocabulary quiz and their unit test the following week, before break. Each grade had an extra credit assignment that they are to work on for points. Each week, they are to continue working on ALEKS to further advance their math skills. Hope you have all had a wonderful week!

Miss P

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week of 11-26-2012


This last week flew by quickly as the students returned from their Thanksgiving break. The sixth grade students worked hard in their third Investigation of the Shapes and Designs unit. They had time throughout the week to work on their unit projects. Presentations will be approaching quickly. The seventh grade students finished up their second Investigation of the Moving Straight Ahead unit. They dove deeper into linear equations. The eighth grade students finished up their second Investigation of the Growing, Growing, Growing unit. They were able to make comparisons of linear relationships and exponential relationships. We will all be working hard up till December 21st. Students, keep working hard to complete your ALEKs required amount of topics each week. Parents, do not forget to check your child's MSP ( Have a great week!

Miss P

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of 11-19-12


The students had a short two-day week, preparing for Thanksgiving break! All grades worked thoroughly through their lessons on Monday. The sixth grade continues to work their way through the geometry unit. Seventh grade students are attacking the concept of linear equations with graphing. Eighth grade students are studying the differences between linear and exponential relationships, while finding decay and growth in both. Their ALEKS requirements for the week are modified. The students are aware of these changes. I hope you all have had a wonderful break thus far.

Miss P

Friday, November 16, 2012

Week of 11-12-2012


This has been a busy week. The students should be continuing to work on their required amount of ALEKS topics each week. The sixth grade class continues to work hard in their geometry unit. We worked a little bit this week on their big unit project, "My Special Shapes." They looked at lines of symmetry, reflection symmetry, rotation symmetry, and angle measures. The seventh grade students have jumped into learning about linear relationships. The eighth grade students are working hard on exponential relationships, growth, and decay. Since majority of the eighth grade students have been taking entrance exams for high school we have been looking at tips and practices for these exams. We will continue to investigate through these topics.

Miss P

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week of 11-5-2012


This week was filled with classes wrapping up units and beginning new units. The sixth grade classes began their new unit, "Shapes and Designs." They will be working on symmetries, angles, and shapes. They were introduced to their big unit project, "Special Shapes Project." They should be working on this project throughout the unit. The seventh grade students took a re-take of their unit test and we jumped into their new unit, "Moving Straight Ahead," which looks at slopes and linear relationships. The seventh grade students will be giving practice work each Monday (due the following Friday) to help practice their basic math operation skills. The eighth grade students spent the week testing. They took a vocabulary quiz, had a test day and two review days, then ended the week with a test re-take and a pre-test into the next unit, "Growing, Growing, Growing." Do not forget that ALEKS is taken as a weekly grade. Each grade has their class-specific topic requirements. 

Miss P 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of 10-29-12


This last week was filled with the students wrapping up their unit and turned in their completed extra credit. The sixth grade students finished "Data About Us" and are now diving into their new unit, "Shapes and Designs". Within their next unit they will have a unit project. They will be bringing details home. The seventh grade students finished their "Accentuate the Negative" unit and are now being introduced to "Moving Straight Ahead" with slopes and linear equations. The eighth grade students finished up "Looking at Pythagoras" and will soon begin their new unit, "Growing, Growing, Growing." Hope you all had a wonderful week!

Miss P

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 10-22-12

Week of 10-22-12


Welcome back from a relaxing fall break. The sixth grade classes are finishing up their unit this week, looking at mean (average), median, mode, and range. The six gold class will have their vocabulary quiz on 10-31-12 and their unit test on 11-1-12. The six green class will have their vocabulary quiz on 10-30-12 and their unit test on 10-31-12. Both classes should expect a quick homework quiz at the beginning of the week. The seventh grade classes finished up their unit this week. They took a vocabulary quiz on 10-26-12 and will have a test on 10-29-12. The eighth grade classes finished up Investigation 3 and will move on into Investigation 4, looking at 30-60-90 triangles and moving through the Pythagorean Theorem. All classes were given extra credit this last Tuesday. The assignment is due on Monday, 10-29-12.
Concerning ALEKS, we need to work together to ensure the best education for our students. It is now required that all students begin working on ALEKS each week. The incentive that was put in place at the beginning of the year no longer stands as of 10-29-12. The sixth grade students are required to master 10 topics each week. The seventh grade students are required to master 12 topics each week. The eighth grade students are required to master 15 topics each week. The week runs Monday through Sunday. There are computers and net-books available at the school and in my room to help out those students who need to utilize them. ALEKS will be graded each week. Please contact me with any questions.

Have a great weekend,

Miss P

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week of 10-15-2012


This last week as a quick one. Our sixth grade class kept plugging away into their Investigation 2, looking at coordinate graphs. The seventh grade class reviewed number sentences and studied the concept of absolute value. The eighth grade class finished up Investigation 3. On Wednesday, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Riley come in and visit with some of our classes.
The MSP network is up and running. Do not forget to log on and check your student's progress frequently. Also, all students are required to do ALEKS and First In Math. Let's make sure that we are working together to get these done. I hope you all had a wonderful fall break.

Miss P

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week of 10-8-12


Math reminders: All students should be working on ALEKS throughout the week. The sixth grade students are expected to complete 10 objectives. The seventh grade students are expected to complete 12 objectives. The eighth grade students are expected to complete 15 objectives. If the student completes their weekly objectives goal, they will have their lowest grade dropped at the end of the month. Each student should also continue to practice their basic math skills on

The sixth grade students jumped right into Investigation 2 of Data About Us. They are working really hard and having a fun time learning about bar graphs, line plots, stem and leaf plots, and coordinate graphs. The seventh grade students are moving right through with fractions, inequalities, and absolute value. The eighth grade students are tackling the Pythagorean Theorem, as well as 30-60-90 triangles. The end of the grading period was 10-11-12.

See you next week,

Miss P

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week of 10-1-12


I hope every family had a wonderful first week of October. We started off the week with a introduction to The Energy Bus. Our sixth grade students jumped right into their new unit, Data About Us. They have been learning about bar graphs, line plots, and distributions of data. The seventh grade students also began their new unit, Accentuate The Negative. The students will be working with ordering fractions and numbers, both positive and negative, as well as take on fraction operations and working with coordinate grids. The eighth grade students are cruising right through their new unit, Looking For Pythagoras. They will take on the Pythagorean Theorem and square roots. Let's not forget to do ALEKS! If the students complete their required amount each week, I drop their lowest score at the end of each month. Also, the students should practice their basic skills on For daily reminders, don't forget to check out our Edmodo page. They will enjoy enhancing their education through these games. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. See you next week!

Miss P

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week of 9-24-12

This week in math...


             The students are working hard in their math class. The sixth grade students finished up presenting their unit projects, "My Special Number". I was so impressed with their work, creativity, and presentation skills. The students also completed their first unit test, a vocabulary quiz, and an extra credit assignment. We ended the week beginning their new unit, "Data About Us." In this unit, the students will be able to collect and record distributions of data, correctly display data in a graph, table, or line plot, and describe or analyze the relationships of the data. 
             The seventh grade students were hard at work this week. We tackled the topic of solving one-step and two-step equations. This was a difficult topic so we spent several days on it. We will have an upcoming unit involving this topic, and by then the students will feel comfortable jumping right on in. We ended the week with their first vocabulary quiz and their unit test. We will begin next week with their new unit, "Accentuate the Negative."
             The eighth grade students began this week with a new unit, "Looking for Pythagoras." This will deal with geometry and the understanding of square roots. We have several students working very hard each day. I applaud those who participate and are actively engaged. We will begin next week with Investigation 2. I hope all of my students keep working hard each day! 

Miss P

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week of 9-17-12

Welcome to the week of 9-17-12!

This week was a busy week! Progress reports were distributed on Friday. Our sixth graders have been working on their "My Special Number" project. Presentations were Friday and the following Monday. Within the next week, the sixth grade students will have their project presentations, vocabulary quiz, and their unit test. Keep up the good work, sixth graders!
The seventh graders finished up Investigation 3, and began Investigation 4. We are currently attacking the concept of solving one-step and two-step equations, especially in word problems. Their test will be the week of 9-24-12, along with their final homework quiz and vocabulary quiz. Keep up the good work, seventh graders!
The eighth grade students tackled a homework quiz, a vocabulary quiz, and their unit test! The students were given extra credit problems to complete by Friday, 9-21-12. Within the next week, the students will begin their second unit, Accentuate the Negative.

Have a good week!

Miss P

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of 9-10-12


This week in math:

6th grade has completed Investigation 2 and taken their homework quizzes. The six gold class will be taking their quiz on Monday 9-17-12.
Upcoming: Investigation 3. 
Unit projects ("My Special Number") due date will be the week of 9-24-12.
Six green classes should be have their prepared this Friday, 9-21-12.

7th grade has completed Investigation 2 and taken their homework quizzes. Upcoming: Investigation 3

8th grade has completed Investigation 2. We are now into Investigation 3. Upcoming: Investigation 3 homework quizzes, vocab quizzes, and their unit test will be this week!
**Homework Quiz 1 retakes were held on 9-10-12. 

The students have done well within the classroom. They are expected to enter the room each day with a ready-to-go attitude. This begins with having their homework out and ready to discuss, and starting their warm-up for the day individually. The students are well aware of all expectations, thus we practice them each day. Each student should have a book cover on his/her math book. 

Do not forget about ALEKS!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week of 9-3-12 Reflection


This week in math:

6th grade has tackled Investigation 2. Upcoming: Investigation 3. Unit projects ("My Special Number") due date will be the week of 9-24-12.

7th grade has tackled Investigation 2. Upcoming: Investigation 3 and Investigation 2 homework quiz 9-11-12.

8th grade has tackled Investigation 2. Upcoming: Investigation 3 and Investigation 2 homework quiz 9-10-12.
**Homework Quiz 1 retakes will by on 9-10-12 before or after school.

The students have done well within the classroom. They are expected to enter the room each day with a ready-to-go attitude. This begins with having their homework out and ready to discuss, and starting their warm-up for the day individually. The students are well aware of all expectations, thus we practice them each day. Each student should have a book cover on his/her math book. 

Do not forget about ALEKS!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to the Holy Spirit Catholic Middle School blog!

We are into our fourth week of school. I hope all are adjusting well to the 2012-2013 school year. This blog will be used as a weekly update for the middle school math classes. Each of the students, and their parents, have the availability to join the class site on The Edmodo group account will be used on a daily basis. One can find the work done in class each day, as well as the assignment given for homework. Students and teachers may also interact with each other on anything math related.

Thus far, the students have began academia within the classroom. Each student should have a book cover for their book, as well as have a signature by their parents/guardians on their syllabus.

Beginning in September, the students will be required to work on ALEKS. Found on, the students will be able to use their log in name and password to begin working. Sixth graders are to do 10 objectives a week. Seventh graders are to do 12 objectives a week. Eighth graders are to do 15 objectives a week. If there are issues with this, please contact me and we can figure out any differentiation. The students who do not have Internet access at home will be able to use the classroom computers to work on ALEKS before/after school and sometimes during classroom time. If the students complete the required amount of objectives each week, they will be able to drop their lowest grade at the end of each month.

Please, if there are any questions or comments email

Thank you,

Miss Pusti