Friday, January 25, 2013

Week of 1-21-2013


The students had a great week! I have been so proud of the students and the work they produce. I encourage that they keep working on getting their homework done each night. Parents, keep checking up on the students each night and double-check that assignments have been completed. My homeroom students suggested that showing parents completed homework assignments would be helpful! Also, keep working on ALEKS. Since this last Monday was a holiday, the students were only mandated to do 2 less topics than usual this week.
The sixth grade students did a fabulous job with their projects. I am so happy with the results. They are still pounding away with fractions, decimals, and percents. The seventh grade students finished up their Stretching and Shrinking unit. They will begin a similar unit, Comparing and Scaling when they return next week. The eighth grade students are looking at two forms of quadratic equations, and solving from one to the other. I encourage the 8 green students to continue practicing and looking at their ECA practice problems. I hope you all have a great weekend! Stay safe and warm.

Miss P