Monday, August 26, 2013


Welcome to another great year at Holy Spirit!

If you are interested in the back-to-school night information that was distributed, please email me letting me know.

As we begin the school year, the students are learning procedures for the school and the math classroom. Thus far, the students have been doing a great job in the classroom! I am so impressed with the way they are choosing to start off school. We hope to work hard and let it continue throughout the year!

Within the first week and a half of school, each grade has taken a pre-test. After looking at the completed pre-tests, I was able to adjust their lesson plans to best fit their needs. The sixth grade students are working in the Prime Time unit. They will learn the more in depth concepts of number theory. The seventh grade students are working with Variables and Patterns. They will be learning about linear equations and models, as well as graphing data and patterns. The eighth grade students are working in the Thinking with Mathematical Model unit. They will be reviewing the key concepts of linear equations, in order to help further build a background before moving into exponential and quadratic equations. They will work a lot with solving linear equations, as well.

I have a classroom Edmodo website. All students have returned a permission slip signed by a parent for this usage. Each student has also had a Syllabus slip signed by a parent, concerning the procedures and expectations of the classroom. If you need a copy of both, please email me.

If there are any additional questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!

Miss Pusti